Warren and Nolizwi have been gifted a miniature Hippo Roller with a thank you plaque in appreciation and recognition of their involvement with the “Hippo Roller Projects”!!!

The “Hippo Roller Projects,” a collaborative effort between the 8 MILE CLUB, Swim for Rivers, and COOL BANANAS, have been weaving threads of positive change in Ward 26 of Nyandeni on the Ngqeleni coast of the O.R Tambo District at the heart of the rural Wild Coast of South Africa.

Mervyn Bremner, a dedicated member of the 8 MILE CLUB, wanted to express sincere thanks to Warren and Nolizwi for their unwavering commitment to the Hippo Roller cause and acknowledgment of the impact they have made on the community.

Through the lens of unity, the Hippo Roller Projects continue to roll out waves of impact, touching the lives of those in need and leaving behind a legacy of compassion.